Possible Openers

New Dominican reinforcements, Ramon Ortiz by Caracas and Jose Valdez by the Magellan, are the possible serpentineros that would have responsibility as open the first final series. Ramon Ortiz, is an experienced 35 years right-handed thrower that comes from acting in the semi-final of the Dominican League with the club of the Tigres del Licey, where left foja of 1-1 with 1.93 effectiveness in 4 openings, accumulating 23.1 innings working more 14 strikeouts propinados and only 2 tickets granted. On the other hand the joint Buccaneer bypass to the right-handed pitcher also Cubs Jose Valdez, which similar to Ortiz comes from acting with the striped cats of the Licey, with a performance by 2 games disputed serving in work of short reliever, collecting 2.0 episodes worked with iuna immaculate effectiveness, without passports delivered and pair of batsmen abanicados. To fight with the reinforcements Los managers Dave Hudgens and Carlos Garcia in this final les are not more options that go out to the playing field to play them with reinforcements and replacements brought from different clubs already eliminated and up of the Caribbean leagues, due to the various important casualties who had original players from the team midway through the recently completed round robin, management both the capital and the Valencians have made every possible effort so this final series have the highest possible level and greater effort yet to engage the best team possible and get the so anhleado Championship. A few nights ago the shipowners reinforced its staff of pitchers with the firebreak sharks of the Guaira Francisco Rodriguez and star to the foreign opener since the aguilas del Zulia, Jim Brower, thus covering what is believed he could be the Achilles heel for them, after hearing the good news that the ligamayorista Elvis Andrus campocorto may act in this final instance. From the other side the hairy could become a first yielding bat services as shark Gregor Blanco, who expected can provide stability to the line up as opener, since the club has not one since the departure of the imported Jon Jay and Josh Thole. also adding two new faces for the bullpen from the already mentioned above Ramon Ortiz Caribbean and American Jason Stanridge from del Licey. Strategists with all this material obtained for this final part joined with the big leagues that already had hecharan rest to bring the highest award of the League and the long-awaited joy to fans..

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