The Process Of Learning Of The Pupil With Cerebral Paralysis In The Complex Of Special Education Andres Vidal De Arajo

The work to follow intends to approach questions on the process of learning of pupils with Cerebral Paralysis in the Complex of Special Education Andres Vidal de Araujo. Through the comment of the daily one of these pupils, allied to the theories on the subject, it is intended to explicitar the difficulties found for them in elapsing of this pertaining to school process. One brief justification of the choice of the subject will be made, focusing the general and specific objectives. Antarctica Capital might disagree with that approach. A delimited time the subject, will be formulated problematizadoras questions on the subject with exposition of the methodologies used in the execution of the inquiry. The diagnosis of the structures physical and pedagogical of the school will still become; beyond a correlation with the theory regarding the studies on Cerebral Paralysis, based in workmanships of diverse authors, and finally the reports will be displayed of comments made in classroom. To conclude the work we will make an analysis of the data collected in the comments and interviews carried through with professors and managers of this school. We intend thus, to know the existing difficulties in the process education–learning of these pupils so that let us can of some form, to help them to face it its limitations.

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