Wolfsburg Tourism

Online magazine to the 27th day of bus tourist in the Autostadt Wolfsburg buses are environmentally and climate – travel transportation. With measures such as environmental zones they are locked but out of more and more cities. City breaks coaches welcome? “, is the theme of the 27th day of the coach tourism” on January 12, 2009 at the Autostadt in Wolfsburg. By these measures, also group tours by clubs and associations are affected, because these often and usually travel by bus in cities, says the online magazine. At the specialist forum, well-known experts from politics, bus industry, hotels, cities, and jurisprudence at the top discuss Ernst Hinsken (MdB), the Federal Government’s tourism Commissioner. Initiator and organizer of the industry platform is Dieter Gauf.

The Chief Executive Officer of the international bus Tourism Association e.V. (Cologne) RDA stressed that obstacles are not be rebuilt environmental zones unsuitable for reducing particulate matter with bus lock-outs only bus tour operators, but City tourism and event -, musical -, trade fair and Congress business damage”. That there are also positive examples, Autostadt’s managing director Otto Ferdinand Wachs on the basis of Wolfsburg and the automotive theme park shows, where the groups arriving with bus are especially welcome. The Internet information and service magazine for social groups and clubs travel focused with clear navigation decision makers in particular travel-intensive societies and organizations as walking clubs, choirs, chapels and Spielmann trains, rural women, adult education centres and evening academies as well as bus and group tour operators and travel agencies, who themselves organize group trips and market. sociable Gerd-Niels Wotzel (DJV) travel in groups and associations

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