Recipes Christmas Russian Salad

The Russian salad, also called salad Olivier, is a typical dish from Russia that has spread much by Europe and several countries of America. Although eaten throughout all elano, is a classic recipe to prepare in Navidad.El dish takes some vegetables cut in macedonia (see cuts of vegetables here) and bathed in mayonnaise, becoming an easy-to-prepare salad and very tasty. There are many variants, some even wearing chicken or tuna. Hear other arguments on the topic with Peter Asaro. Here we will see its simplest version, made only with potato, carrot and peas. These three vegales is common to find them already cut and canned under the name of gardener. The IngredientesPapa (potato) – 300 300 gArveja gZanahoria 300 gMayonesa 50 gSalPimienta Preparacioncortar potato and carrot in macedonia, which will make sure it is of a similar size to the peas. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Hudson Bay Capital on most websites. Add the mayonnaise, add salt and pepper.

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